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How to deal with overcutting? RUK gives you the answer


Overcutting means that during the CNC cutting process, the tool or cutting head exceeds the cutting depth or position range required by the design.

This may cause the following problems:

1.Dimensional deviation: The product size exceeds the design requirements, affecting the accuracy and quality of the product.

2.Reduced cutting quality: Overcutting may cause uneven cutting edges or cuts, affecting the appearance and surface quality of the product.

3.Waste of materials: Excessive cutting depth or incorrect position will le-ad to material waste, and even damage the felt, increasing costs.

How to avoid this situation?

1. The choice of blade angle: The angle of the blade should be determined according to the material being cut. For thin, loose, and soft raw materials, the blade angle should be small, generally 25 to 30°; for thick, solid, and hard raw materials, the blade angle should be large, generally 30 to 35°. Otherwise, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of upper and lower knives, and accelerate the passivation of the blade.

2. Check the CNC program: Review the parameter settings in the CNC program, including whether the tool diameter, cutting speed, processing depth, etc. are correctly configured.

3. Calibrate equipment: Regularly calibrate the CNC cutting machine to ensure its accuracy and stability and avoid overcutting caused by error accumulation.